17’45’’ 16 mm film, loop 
double sided back projection 
Dear Sides is a retro projected – double sided film installation, offering a constant reversal using half palindrome words and phrases while real time editing. One and the same moment assumes different meanings depending what side of the screen you are on. As if the film looked at returns our gaze, while subtly offering different ways in which they allow themselves to be seen. An exchange between obverse to reverse, a mise en abyme of sight. 

Camera assistance by Byrthe Lemmens  
Editing by Katja Mater 
Technical support by 2M and Erwin van 't Hart 
Made possible by P///AKT Amersfoort and The Mondriaan Fonds, Amsterdam 

The link to watch the full film is available upon request. 

2 stills Dear Side
17’45’’ 16 mm film, loop
double sided back projection
2 stills Dear Side
17’45’’ 16 mm film, loop
double sided back projection
2 stills Dear Side
17’45’’ 16 mm film, loop
double sided back projection
2 stills Dear Side
17’45’’ 16 mm film, loop
double sided back projection